Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reviewing the Adventist Review

May 24, 2012
Vol. 189, No.15

WORLD NEWS AND PERSPECTIVES is an important section of each magazine. I don’t usually report on its contents because it is available at the online address I provide with every review.

This is an online issue. That means this Summer Vacation Issue can be read online for free! It lives up to its promise of 48 PAGES OF IDEAS for Adventist summer fun. However, if your summer is already planned, or you aren’t going anywhere, there are two articles you might want to take a look at.

Allan R. Handysides and Peter N. Landless advise SMART TRIPS. That means be smart when leaving home. Briefly: know what to do for traveler’s diarrhea, don’t overeat, get necessary immunizations, exercise responsibly, use plenty of sun screen, don’t forget your medications, and wash your hands!

FIRST-TIME MISSIONARIES by Jean-Luc Lézeau is an amazing account of the almost insurmountable difficulties faced by a husband and wife’s journey to the Adventist secondary school in Lukanga, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Believe me, it’s a story you won’t want to miss!

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