Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reviewing Adventist World, NAD Edition

July, 2012
Vol. 8, No. 7

Adventist World is free online. For that reason, I only review or comment on articles that I believe to be of special interest. Online readers can now read the entire print edition. Just click on the cover in the bottom left of the home page, and every page of the entire magazine is yours! Editors, way to go!

Ted Wilson’s essay, FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE. Its defense of the “right to worship” is cogent and well written. The biblical citations he uses to defend his position are compelling.

Religious freedom is a fundamental freedom—a basic human right.1 It preserves an appropriate focus on personal, individual opportunities, yet it is also good for the well-being of societies and countries. Wherever it is honored and protected, justice, peace, and cultural progress inevitably increase…

Religious freedom bears the signature of a God of love, and plays an integral part in the great conflict between God and Satan, between good and evil. In the heart of the book of Revelation—Revelation 13 and 14—evil powers are described as oppressing, persecuting, and killing those who refuse to worship them (Rev. 13:14-17)…

Jesus prepared His disciples to face persecution, but He never allowed them to persecute others, or to take revenge…

However, his pious defense of religious freedom is at odds with official Adventist practice. Consider the case of Pastor Walter “Chick” McGill and Lucan Chartier, the leaders of a small congregation in the town of Guys Tennessee, who served time in a San Bernardino County detention center for the use of the name “Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church.”

Enditnow has become “enditnow: Break the Silence About Abuse”. The campaign has been expanded to include not just women, but children and men as well. Resources for the campaign are available at

VITAMIN B12, ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH? is one more outstanding health alert by Handysides and Landless. Their analysis of dietary practice is unbiased and based on up-to-the-minute science.

I was interested enough in THE BELT OF TRUTH by Dick Stengakken that referenced the Roman soldier’s cingulum that I wanted to learn more about the belt worn by Roman soldiers in the first century. If I’ve fired your interest, take a look.

If you are an early Adventist history buff, Part I of MICHAEL BELINA CZECHOWSKI’S story may be of interest. Nathan Gordon Thomas’ Part II will appear in the October edition.

I must confess that I look forward to Angel Manuel Rodriguez’ answers to questions that invariably evoke a smile. This one is no exception: WILL PEOPLE BE MARRIED IN HEAVEN? After citing Jesus answer and theological interpretations, Angel comes down on the side of the “no sayers.” However, his last line is classic, perhaps the result of his wife’s critique: Feel free to disagree with me.

By the time Mark A Finley pontificates about UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WILL, I’m wandering in a wilderness of trite phrases and confusing biblical texts.

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